Upload Photo
Supporting Questions
Q. How can I upload my Photo?
Login in your account ID. You will see a box mid of Dashboard click on it and follow the instruction. If you have any problem email us.
Q. Is it necessary to add photo to my Profile & how can I add photos?
Our Statistics show that adding a photo to your Profile increased the number to times your Profile is viewed by 10 times and you can add up to 5 photo to your Profile.
Q. Is it safe to add my photo along with my Profile?
Yes, It is absolutely safe to add Photo to your Profile.
Q. While uploading my photograph, I saw message that the image must be in jpg, gif, bmp, tiff or png format what does this mean?
Jpg, gif, bmp, tiff or png are very popular digital image formats on the internet. MuslimsRishta.com accepts only for these images formats for Profile Photo.
Q. How can I delete my Photo from my Profile?
If you are interested to delete your photo from your Profile login in your account use upload photo option at Dashboard click at your photo Delete Option appeared click on it.
Q Why my uploaded photos not appearing on my Profile just I upload it?
MuslimsRishta.com screens all photos uploaded by members. It Take up to 24 hours to screening Process during which period your photo will not be visible. We will notify you by email once your photo approve the screening process and becomes visible on your Profile.
Q. What type of Privacy Options are available for photos?
Visit Privacy Option page after the login in to your account just upper right corner on the member Dash Board.