Getting Started & Registration
Supporting Question
Q. How do I become a member?
Click the Register / Signup link & fill form. After the submit button you will receive an email at your given email address it tells you what is next process.
Q. Do you charge for registration?
No, Registration is Free for All of You.
Q. Do you charge for Membership?
Yes, we do. Our charges and membership details are available on membership plan page / payment page. Click here Here
Q. Do you offer FREE Membership Plan?
Yes., We offer Free Membership with limited option & time period.
Q. How long does take time to update my Profile?
After registration our Scanning Team Approve your Profile within 24 hours and sent approval email at your given registered email address.
Q. How to become successful on
You are successful on following these steps. - Your Personal Profile Give as much information as you can give about yourself and the expectation you have about the person you are searching as your potential life partner well written Profile have higher change of success. - Your Photo Your Profile incomplete without your picture. So upload your clear picture. Because here you are about to make the most important decision of your life yet. - Become a Premium Member If you are really serious and want to communicate effectively become a Premium Member ASAP. - Have a responsible attitude Check your email for messages and reply back as soon as possible. Login in your account for new members register every day you never know one of them may become your life partner.
Q. Can I specify more than one email while registering with
No, you may specify only one email while registering.
Q. What is the advantage of verifying my phone number? How can I do it?
Verifying your phone number help you get more response, since it builds trust. You can verify your phone number via SMS which is sent by at your providing mobile number.
Q. What is a Profile ID. is it important for me?
A Profile ID is automatically generated by & it is uniquely identifies your Profile on Member of has a unique Profile ID. Other Member can also search for your Profile using your Profile ID in search feature.
Q. While registering I got message your email address is already registered. Registered with another email. Why does this happen?
Every Profile posted with a only one unique email when you used registered email again the message display this email already registered. If you think your email is being used by someone else please send us an email.
Q. Can someone else create a Profile on my behalf?
Yes, as long as the provided information is true and the intent is to find a partner.