Effective Tips for Successful Relationship
It is said that man is a social animal and, therefore, having healthy relationships is one of the key things necessary for sustenance. God has blessed marriage and its role goes beyond usual procreation; He created man and woman as perfect partners for each other and built a wonderful bond between them. Despite of all this, we see an array of broken relationships and wonder that if God has created marriage with so much love then what goes wrong between a husband and wife that leads to unhappy marriages? Being a matrimonial site, we love to see people joining their lives in marriage and having a pleasant and joyous life together. In this blog, we will talk about some of the core things that contribute towards the success of a relationship.
Respect and Patience
A person can live without love but cannot live without respect as it is an integral part of any relationship and marriage is no exception. After marriage, girl leaves her home and moves in with her husband’s family and because of this big change, she has to make adjustments on many levels; sometimes, during the process, the couple may develop misunderstandings over trivial things. In such a time, it is important for both of the partners to understand each other, have patience and do not stop respecting each other. Communicate and try to keep things as transparent as possible and no matter what, never cross the respect line.
Time and Attention
We’ve seen that many people think that because they are having a love marriage, it is not that necessary to give time and attention to each other, wrong concept and one of the many reasons that love marriages fail. No matter how much busy you are, always make your relationship a priority and take time out for each other. Small gestures like leaving tony love notes on side table and coat pockets, making multiple calls a day to know how they are and to do something your partner likes, bringing flowers for your wife or cooking your husband’s favourite dish, should be a part of your relationship.
Say NO to Feminism
We are not telling wives that they should say good-bye to their self-respect and we are not telling husbands to consider their wives as lowly beings, God created them as your partner, not a servant. God has created man and woman for different purposes; man is to be the breadwinner and head of the household while woman is to be the homemaker and is given into the care of man. It may sound harsh but, there is no equality between men and women and the sole reason is that equality is between two things, or people, who are of same composition and purpose. Men and women are different and hence, there is no point of equality between them, God created both for different roles and stepping into each other’s shoes only creates social imbalance.
Husbands and wives need consistent support of each other and the best way to do this is by respecting each other’s individuality, giving time and efforts for the relationship and by fulfilling your respective roles.
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